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Модные банкеты

Бюджетные и классические

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Мобильные фуршеты

Одноразовые и с полным накрытием

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Скромно и от души

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+7(950) 041-65-69


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##Campo Lindo Chicken
**Fava beans, artchokes, farro & black current gastrique

##Maple Farm Breast
**Creamy polenta, english peas, carrots & port sauce

**Roast Trout, English asparagus, Jersey Royals, watercress

**Smoked quail, crispy egg, spelt, girolles, parsley

##Roasted Steak Roulade
**Mint parsley with apple cider vinegar, salt, sugar & spices

##Seasonal Soup
**Daily preparation



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[restaurantmenu type=”dotted”]

**Smoked quail, crispy egg, spelt, girolles, parsley

##Roasted Steak Roulade
**Mint parsley with apple cider vinegar, salt, sugar & spices

##Seasonal Soup
**Daily preparation

##Filet De Saumon
**Baked salmon fillet, hollandaise sauce, rosemary salt potatoes

##Confit de Canard
**Duck confit, white bean & ham cassoulet, wilted spinach

##Poulet Cordon Bleu
**Paupiette of chicken, blue cheese & ham, rosemary salt  and beans




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[row cols_nr=”2″] [col size=”6″] Chef Michel Paris Jr and Head Chef Steve Groves have created a menu of dishe using the finest seasonal produce. Table service throughout for food and […]

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